Important information for Trillium and ODB patients

As a patient receiving eye injections, you may receive invoices from Sentrex Pharmacy for costs related to your Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) or Trillium deductible. To learn more, please read below.

Frequently asked questions

Sentrex is a specialty pharmacy that manages medications that require special care and delivers them directly to your physician’s clinic.

If you are receiving drug coverage through the Ontario Drug Benefit or Trillium Drug Plan, there is a deductible amount that you are responsible for paying before your coverage kicks in.

You are responsible for paying towards your deductible to any pharmacy that fills your prescriptions until your deductible is fully paid each year. You will only receive an invoice from Sentrex Pharmacy if you still owe towards your deductible at the time that your medication is filled by Sentrex.

Your deductible amount is linked to your unique OHIP card number across all pharmacies in Ontario. Sentrex Pharmacy will always verify your deductible status through your OHIP number before issuing you an invoice.

No, the deductible needs to be paid to the pharmacy that dispenses your medication.

No, any fees you pay at your clinic visits are not counted towards your deductible.

If you are required to pay your deductible to Sentrex, you will receive a notice in the mail with details regarding the amount and process for payment.

For assistance investigating if your private insurance will cover your deductible, contact Sentrex Pharmacy at (877)-851-8420 and press 2 to speak with a representative.

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